Statistics on Advertising Revenue by Format

As the business sector has grown worldwide so, the branches of industry have also increased in number during the last few decades. Out of different business sectors, Digital Marketing is also a primary source of income for various companies based all over the world. The term digital marketing is referred to the marketing that uses the different electronic devices including Televisions, computers, tablets, smartphones, cell phones, and game consoles to engage with the shareholders. Digital Brand Engagement is also a part of Digital Marketing. Here is a statistic report showing the most recent advertising revenue by format statistics as per 2016 facts and figures.

In this report we’ll highlight the following aspects:

  • Which advertising format had the maximum percentage of revenue share?
  • Which advertising medium has the highest annual revenue?

Statistics on Advertising Revenue by Format

Advertising Revenue Statistics 2016

Advertising Revenue by Format Statistics 2016

Statistics on Advertising Industry Revenue as per 2016 facts and figures

Source of Income Spending in 2013
Spending in 2014
Search 43% 38%
Mobile 17% 25%
Banner 19% 16%
Digital Video 7% 7%
Classifieds 6% 5%
Lead Generation 4% 4%
Rich Media 3% 3%
Sponsorship 2% 2%

Advertising Revenue by Type of Media

Facts Figures
Internet $67,000,000,000
Broadcast Television $46,000,000,000
Cable Television $25,200,000,000
Radio $17,200,000,000
Newspaper $16,700,000,000
Magazine (Consumer) $12,800,000,000
Out of Home $8,400,000,000
Video Game $1,000,000,000
Cinema $800,000,000

Source & Verification

  • Source : Interactive Advertising Bureau
  • Verification Date : May 30th, 2015

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